Kamel Weiss
Kamel Weiss
Kamel Weiss
Kamel Weiss
Kamel Weiss
Kamel Weiss
Kamel Weiss
Kamel Weiss
Business & Content Director, Spacetoon

Kamel Weiss is the Director Strategy Business Development and Content at Spacetoon, and the General Manager of Spacetoon Go, the online video streaming service for families. He plays several leadership roles in product development, digital media, and content development.Kamel’s effective digital strategy for Spacetoon unlocked new revenue streams and cutting-edge monetization models. With a focus on innovation and emerging technologies, he supported the group's vision of delivering safe, localized content for the region.Kamel spearheaded Spacetoon’s digital transformation, launching Spacetoon YouTube channel and driving phenomenal growth. The channel boasts over 4 billion views and a subscriber base exceeding 10 million.Under his leadership, Spacetoon made a successful move into streaming industry by launching Spacetoon Go. The platform brought the best animated shows from around the world to Arab audiences, creating a fresh and innovative viewing experience. This shift in how people consume content led to impressive growth, with Spacetoon Go reaching over 10 million downloads and 8 million registered users in less than a year.

Kamel Weiss
IN #SAC2024
May 4
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion

Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Shaping the Future of Middle Eastern Animation

Luca Milano
Manager at RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana, the Italian public broadcaster.
Benoit Di Sabatino
CEO, Banijay kids and family
Shinichiro Inoue
Senior Advisor and Executive Fellow of KADOKAWA and Vice President of the Anime Tourism Association of Japan
Kamel Weiss
Business & Content Director, Spacetoon
Olivier Dumont

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